The Power of One: How Protesting on Your Own Can Spark Dramatic Change

Have you thought about the climate crisis recently? Have you heard others talking about it? Have you taken steps—like going vegan—to mitigate your carbon footprint? Have you participated in a youth climate strike?

Have you heard of Greta Thunberg?

If you haven’t heard of Greta, but have thought more about the different ways you can fight the climate crisis, then you have her to thank.

It all started a little more than a year ago. Greta, a new ninth grader, decided to take the day off from school and sit outside the parliament building in Stockholm, Sweden. She held a sign that read “School strike for climate.” She was alone.

But in just a year, Greta’s solitary protest has ignited a groundswell of teens and other activists who have finally discovered that their voices can change the way we treat the planet.

Okay, so you might not become a world famous activist like Greta. But her actions are a testament to the fact that once people see one activist standing up for her beliefs, others will have the courage to join.

Though we’ve made a lot of progress, your voice is still needed to end speciesism. Whether it be frogs who are cruelly killed for classroom dissection, mice who are forced to swim in order to “test” certain drugs, or sheep who have their wool stolen from them so that brands like Forever 21 can pad their pockets, there are ongoing abuses of animals that need dedicated, committed activists—aka you!

Take SeaWorld. The infamous abusement park is on the verge of going the way of Ringling Bros. and shutting its doors for good. SeaWorld’s continuing decline is only because legions of kids and teenagers—people like you—have stood up to businesses and schools and made their voices heard. We have activists like Maeve, Phoebe, Cash—among so many others—to thank for our progress in spreading a positive message about animals.

What do they all have in common? Each saw something in the world that they weren’t okay with, and decided by themselves to make a difference. They may have been the only person at a protest or at a meeting. But their voices were heard and changes were made to ensure that animal cruelty wouldn’t continue. Even if they led all their activism on their own, their solitude became their strength.

We have nothing to be afraid of. Animals need us. Now it’s time to decide for ourselves, whether we’re alone or part of a group, that the widespread abuses of animals need to end. E-mail [email protected] for help organizing your protest—we’ll assist you every step of the way and send you all the materials you need!