Have a Dream Campaign to End Speciesism but Need Funds? Apply for an SOS Activism Grant!

Have a big idea to benefit animals and help end speciesism? Don’t let funding barriers get in the way of making real, lasting change. Speciesism is a threat to animals everywhere, and no idea is too big or too small to make a difference today. If you’re between the ages of 13 and 24 and you’d like to request a grant to help fund your fight for animals, you’ve come to the right place. Fill out the form below to let us know what you need—some applicants will receive funding from PETA.


Instructions and Things to Keep in Mind

Before submitting your application, make sure to read the FAQs below. Are you able to provide lots of details and come close to listing your full project budget? When you can, fill out the form below, and we’ll get back to you within two weeks.

PETA staff will review all applications thoroughly. We may ask you to make changes or send more information, so keep an eye on your inbox!

When evaluating, we’ll be considering the following:

Is there a clear, itemized budget?

Is there a specific timeline for the campaign?

Does the project deliver a compelling message to end speciesism?

If you’re approved, there are requirements:

If approved for a grant, you will be required to submit a report each week listing your activities related to your project and including any costs or receipts. This report is proof that you’re using the funds that we’ve provided the right away to help animals. We’ll give you a template to make it easier!

You’ll also be required to submit photos, videos, or any other visuals related to your campaign. That way, we can share them with other students and inspire them to help end speciesism, too. Check out some instructions on taking good photos.

Check out our FAQ for more info, and apply today!

  • What Are SOS Activism Grants, and How Do They Work?
    • These grants are available to people ages 13 to 24 who have a solid plan to take action for animals and need funding to carry out specific aspects of it. Once you fill out the application and attach it to the form on this page, PETA staff will be in touch either to approve your application or to aid you in some other way.
    • We typically fund grants up to $1,000, but if your activism requires more money, let us know. And heads up that grants can take up to two weeks to be approved or denied, so please be patient!
    • Not sure if your idea is grant-worthy? Or have an idea that doesn’t require funding? We can support you in other ways—e-mail us at [email protected].
  • What Kinds of Things Could I Get Funding For?
    • Of course, all events and campaigns must align with PETA’s mission statement and work. All food, beverages, and clothing items must be 100% vegan, and all products used must be cruelty-free. For example, if you’re giving away meatless burgers on campus and need funding for that, the burgers would need to be vegan, not vegetarian. Feel free to get creative and think outside the box!
  • What Is Expected of Me if I Receive a Grant?
    • Once approved, you must agree to follow through with your project as planned and must use the money appropriately. Each week, you’ll submit a report of your progress to your contact at SOS. We’ll ask that you track all of your expenses and submit those to us when money is spent so that we can make sure things are going well. Obviously, we understand that things can change—so we will work with you to update your plan as needed and can even help you find the most budget-friendly way to complete your project. We also want photos, videos, and reports from you so we can use your work to inspire others to help animals.

Want to apply? Download the application here, and attach it to the form below. Remember: Applications can take up to two weeks to be reviewed, so keep an eye on your inbox.

Not sure what exactly you’ll need to accomplish your goal, or have an idea but don’t know where to start? We can help! E-mail us at [email protected] and we can brainstorm with you to help you develop your idea.

All fields in bold are mandatory.

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