Ready to Change the World for Animals? Plan a Protest!

Interested in protesting for animal rights but not sure where to start? SOS is here to help you take the first steps!

Photo of student activists standing together holding signs and protesting speciesism

Maybe you’re wondering where you should protest. Where have you encountered evidence of animal exploitation in your community?

It’s normal and OK to be nervous about your first protest, and you might have a lot of questions—but we’ve got you! SOS activist Erin, who has helped orchestrate eye-catching and effective protests on campus at the University of California–Davis, walks you through the steps in planning your own protest in our new video:

Protesting is one of the most impactful ways we can encourage societal change and move our movement forward for animals. It can be done by just one person who wants to make a difference, and it disrupts the status quo by drawing attention to an issue in a way no other action can.

By protesting speciesism in your community, you’ll be joining a legacy of activists who have successfully campaigned for rights across a wide spectrum of social justice movements and changed the world!

Speciesism, the myth that all other animal species are inferior to humans, is all around us, from the products that were tested on animals and the body parts of animals sold in grocery stores to the skins, wool, and feathers sold as clothing and the acts of cruelty inflicted on animals used for entertainment.

One of the main goals of protesting for animal rights is to urge people to recognize the speciesism hiding in plain sight—in university laboratories, grocery stores, shopping malls, and elsewhere—so take time to think critically about where you’ve seen it in your community and how you want to draw the attention of others.

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